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Luxury, charm and comfort in the heart of Rome
Archaeological Aperitif Stadio di Domiziano
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Sunday, April 26, 7 pm

An ancient aperitif "under" Piazza Navona ... a few centuries down the life of every day ... 2000 years ago ... there was a time:

the ancient Stadium of Domitian (86 AD) ... here were held the first real "Olympics" of ancient Rome. From the values ​​of sport to the flavors of the sport. What do they ate boxers of 2000 years ago ... the charioteers ... runners? The wrestler Milo of Croton while eating eight pounds of meat and five liters of wine a day won the Olympics 31 times ... and what will  you eat?


You will taste the Gallic cheese a real reserve  of energy for the wrestler of pancrazio as par the gladiator, you will discover the "sagina" ... the sportsman soup correct with greek hay! Ancient tastes but new to us! The poppy globula and street food of ancient Rome before entering the stadium ... and a very special wine with laurel ... not to forget the taste of victory.

All recipes are taken from ancient sources ... original texts of about 2000 years ago ... but before you taste them you will do a walk through the sport and its values, ​​among the remains of the first atletic and boxing stadium built in the Imperial Rome:

The Olympic games and sport ... overcoming or acceptance of your own limitations ...

The Myth of the Winged Victory ... that for millenniums crowns the efforts and dreams of any sportsman.

The Ludi Romani ... sport as mass appeal ...  everybody to the chariot race !

The Gladiators, the Arena ... when the sport is along the thin line between life - death and self-destruction ...

Boxers, pancraziasti, hard throwers, charioteers, Reziari, runners ... .every form of ancient sport in a dream and an ambition that began long time ago and comes to the present day chasing only one goal for a thousand years ... from Olympia to Rome ... the Victory ... but the HOW and WHY ... will make all the difference!

Welcome to the beginning of the sport ... and the new Archaeological Aperitif of the capital! Ready, steady, go!

We'll see you at the finish line!

Have a nice aperitif!

Dove: Stadio di Domiziano. Via di Tor Sanguigna 3 – Piazza Navona


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