The 60s were the golden age of Italian cinema, which, never as then, imposed on the screens a series of priceless masterpieces, placing our directors at the center of the international scene. Fellini, Visconti, Antonioni, Germi, Risi, Monicelli, Leone, Ferreri and many other great authors have provoked awe in all later generations of filmmakers, who have drawn much from linguistic inventions of this group of geniuses. The 60s in Italy are the era of the economic miracle, of which the movie production is the critical mirror, expression of the deep malaise and contradictions that affect our country. Alongside the masters in this decade, we will see some excellent rookies: Pasolini, Bertolucci, Bellocchio, Wertmuller, Cavani and many others, uncomfortable witnesses of the "anthropological" mutation of the affluent society. Over forty masterpieces - proposed in the original format, the 35mm film - take us back to a unique moment of our creativity, to discover the critical steps that have turned us into what, for better or for worse, we still are.
Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Cinema Hall
Staircase of Via Milano 9, Rome
The seats will be assigned from one hour before the start of each screening
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